Peaceful room in The Room Podcast




 a podcast by

Jenny DuFresne

CEO / Leadership Expert / Author

Each week we will talk about the hard parts of leadership that every great leader goes through, but no one wants to talk about. The Room is your safe space. We'll talk about the things that are difficult for leaders, the things that scare us, and the tough stuff that leaders aren't willing to be vulnerable about or share out loud. But we really need to. 

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a Podcast by


CEO / Leadership Expert / Author

Each week we will talk about the hard parts of leadership that every great leader goes through, but no one wants to talk about. The Room is your safe space. We'll talk about the things that are difficult for leaders, the things that scare us, and the tough stuff that leaders aren't willing to be vulnerable about or share out loud. But we really need to. 

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About Jenny DuFresne

Jenny has honed her leadership capabilities over the past 20 years. She has done so through various positions and organizations within corporate, state and local government, the United States military, and national non-profits.  industries.

Jenny served honorably in the United States Marine Corps. The combination of these experiences and the skills that she acquired, enabled her to found and lead the first all-male public charter elementary school.

Through her company, Leaders Transform LLC, Jenny and her team provide business growth training, development and support services for leaders and teams worldwide.

Jenny DuFresne

"Rarely do great leaders have ordinary struggles, and even more rarely do they share those struggles.  So come in. Close the door. Join me in The Room. Discover leaders' stories, lessons, and tips to grow and evolve your leadership."


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