Who Will You Lead in 4 Years?

Will your team look more diverse, less diverse, or the same in four year’s time? What is your responsibility as a leader to ensure you are attracting candidates from different backgrounds and different environments? Should you start thinking about non-traditional candidates and non-traditional opportunities? Should this even be a concern for you?

Join Jenny DuFresne, Host of The Room Podcast, leadership expert, and CEO of Leaders Transform, a business growth training firm, in this episode of The Room, as she reflects on the Supreme Court’s decision to repeal the affirmative action ruling and what that means to leaders and what the composition of their teams will look like in four years. Jenny considers how this decision will cause an economic challenge or crisis because communities that have had the opportunity to attend a four-year university will no longer have that opportunity.

As a leader with over two decades of leadership experience, Jenny shares her journey and interviews leaders who are willing to be vulnerable with their stories. 

Do you know someone who has a compelling leadership story or lessons? Someone whose leadership road was bumpy? Send their name, business, and contact info to [email protected]

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See you next Wednesday in The Room!