Are You The Reason They Leave?

Think about the people that really excelled under your leadership. Think about the people who did not flourish under your leadership. Sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly, leaders strip away important things that have made employees or team members feel very valued. How do you handle that? Are you the reason why your team members leave?

Join Jenny DuFresne, Host of The Room Podcast, leadership expert, and CEO of Leaders Transform, a business growth training firm, in this episode of The Room, as she shares her story about two very different bosses—one who created a high culture of trust…and other…well, let’s just say Jenny doesn’t work for them anymore.

As a leader with over two decades of leadership experience, Jenny shares her journey and interviews leaders who are willing to be vulnerable with their stories.ʉ۬

Do you know someone who has a compelling leadership story or lessons? Someone whose leadership road was bumpy? Send their name, business, and contact info to [email protected]. â€¨

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See you next Wednesday in The Room!