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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was under-estimated and untested in crisis. As the Russian Army amassed on Ukraine’s borders…
- His leadership was questioned.
- His decision making was questioned.
- His background as a comedian was the behind-the-hand snicker...
In this final article of our seven-part series, I want to focus on how leaders can move forward with greater confidence in charting and visioning the future of their company.
Over the past...
Nobel Prize recipient and famed author Toni Morrison once asked, “What’s the world for if you can’t make it up the way you want it?”
When we return to work, it...
A “new” normal is forming. In this series on life post-COVID vaccine, we have looked at who is coming back to work, how to reacclimatize your team back into the cognitive and emotional space. Here you are. A leader who has the “band back...
Former Secretary of State, four-star Army general, and National Security Advisor Colin Powell once said, “Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost...
Leadership is a contact sport. Even during routine times, leaders must engage with their team to keep a pulse on operations. However, during times of crisis, it becomes even more important for leaders to interact and engage with team members.
How has the last 14+ months affected your employees? As the workforce slowly returns to normal, leaders need to deeply reflect on this question. Your answers are the difference makers for your employees and company culture.
Although the metaphor of “put your oxygen mask on first before helping others” when talking about self-care is slightly overused; it still paints a powerful image. We must help ourselves before we can help others.
One of my favorite business leadership books is Jim Collins’ book “Good to Great”. A mantra from the book, “get the right people on the bus—in the right seats” (with the right training), guides the leadership, team, and company culture...
Part 3 of a 3-part series
Stress in the workplace is not new. Then came the coronavirus pandemic shattering all workplace “norms”.
Nearly overnight, employees went from working in cubicles and offices to working in their pajamas.
Part 1 of a 3-part series
We are living in uncharted waters. The coronavirus pandemic is radically altering our work environment and relationships. Leaders are overextended as we try to address a rapidly evolving situation.
Everyone is uncertain. The...
Part 2 of a 3-part series
Leaders are stretched in unfamiliar ways as the coronavirus forces a “new” normal into our lives.
Thousands of employees suddenly working from home or anxiously wondering about their employment status require a...